Brass Goggles, which I learned about from Wired, is a steampunk GM’s wet dream.
It’s stylish, fun to read and packed with just plain nifty stuff — much like the steampunk genre itself, really. The author, Tinkergirl, draws on all sorts of sources, writing about (as the tagline says) the lighter side of steampunk.
In corresponding with Tinkergirl, she pointed out two RPG-specific posts: one featuring steampunk paper minis and another on paper models (thanks, Tinkergirl!). You might also enjoy the steampunk alias generator, which turns a name you input into one more suitable for the genre (I’m Lieutenant General Raymond Heaton, for example), the images category and steampunk books.
Chief Petty Officer Clarence Kidham.
Um, yeah…
I love that site. I learned about it a few months ago, before the Wired article, and immediately fell in love with some of the gears, goggles, and gadgets found there.
I definitely recommend it.
I’m not a huge fan of Steampunk, but that site is awesome. Easily bent into Son of Ether weirdness too…
Thanks for the link. I know a game that this might be useful for… 😉
I love adapting non-RPG-specific stuff to games, and Brass Goggles fits that bill perfectly. I’m glad you enjoyed the link!