Category: Game Mastering

Challenging The Tropes: The Loner

Tropes are frameworks for plot beats and character arcs. Cliches are the overused versions of those beats and arcs. Cliches, generally, should be avoided, but tropes are useful AF. They work like signposts, guiding your decisions when it comes to story elements and, in turn, speeding up your session prep.

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Worry About Failure

“Only make them roll when its interesting” is solid GMing advice, but it can be hard to figure out which rolls will be interesting. At least, it’s something I struggled with until just a few weeks ago. Here’s what I discovered about how knowing the stakes of the scene will help you know when to call for rolls from your players.

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Earning Their Trust: The Rules

“I’m just following the rules” is often the GM’s version of “I’m just doing what my character would do.” The rules of your game are not objective or unbiased, so you can’t be either of those things when arbitrating RAW. In the latest installment of Earning Their Trust, we’ll look at how you can be unbiased yet fair and work with your players to create an unforgettable game.

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It Came From The Stew Pot

Written by a team of veteran Gamers and Gamemasters, Gnome Stew is a widely read gaming blog with multiple awards, ennies, and thousands of articles. We’re dedicated to helping gamers have more fun at the gaming table.

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“We get asked a great many ‘how to’ questions about GMing at Origins and one of the best sites we have found for information is Gnome Stew!”

Game Manufacturer’s Association (GAMA)

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