Thank You Patrons!

We provide every article for free, so we rely on advertising (just about enough to cover web hosting) and Patreon to help us pay our authors. Web advertising doesn’t pay a lot, and we’ll never make it super annoying to try to eke out a few more dollars. Instead, we’d rather have our readers help by dropping a few dollars in the tip jar every month as a way of saying thank you.
Our Wonderful Patrons
- Kathleen Hailperin
since August 2020 - Amedeo Rosa
since June 2020 - Greg Gorden
since March 2020 - Jim Anderson
since October 2019 - Block Party Podcast Network
since July 2019 - Chuck
since September 2018 - Doug Raas
since July 2018 - Daniel Markwig
since December 2017 - Craig
since December 2017 - Jennifer Kathleen
since November 2017 - GM
since May 2017 - Bob Quek
since September 2016 - Sam Gorton
since August 2016 - Erekebeon Barbagris
since July 2016 - Carla Everson
since July 2016 - Troy E. Taylor
since February 2025 - Michael Beck Esperum
since March 2023 - Chris Franklin
since August 2023