Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide Review

You may have noticed some significant developments in fantasy games that rely on the 5e OGL for their core rules. Not long after the Great OGL Debacle of 2023, Kobold Press announced that they were working on their own set of 5e OGL fantasy rules, and part of the draw for this set of rules is that...

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Gnomecast 202 – Surviving the Holidays

https://polygamero.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/CG_202_Survivingtheholidays-Mixdown-1.mp3 Join Ang, Matt, and Senda as they talk about how to help your gaming group survive the inevitable scheduling woes of the holiday season. Links: Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons 1970-1977 Grinding...

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Challenging The Tropes: The Loner

Tropes are frameworks for plot beats and character arcs. Cliches are the overused versions of those beats and arcs. Cliches, generally, should be avoided, but tropes are useful AF. They work like signposts, guiding your decisions when it comes to story elements and, in turn, speeding up your session prep.

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Setting The Table

Recently, one of my gaming groups decided to change games. We decided to go back to an old favorite Forbidden Lands. As we were sitting around the table, finalizing our decision, I started to survey our table situation and thought about how would we arrange all the components of the game. This got...

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Gnomecast 201 – Oops! All Bards

https://polygamero.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/GC_201_oops_all_bard_final.mp3 Join Ang, Jared and Josh as they talk about what to do when you have characters in your game whose mechanical abilities overlap and you can’t rely on traditional ‘niche’ protection to move the...

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Gnomecast 200 – Why We Do This

https://polygamero.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/GC_200_Whywedothis_final.mp3 Join us for our 200th episode of the Gnomecast, as we talk about why we do this. What’s this? Giving gaming advice on Gnome Stew and this podcast. And who’s we? A bunch of gnomes who could take a little time...

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Gamers4Harris and Gnome Stew

Gamers 4 Harris consists of gaming professionals from video games, board games, and tabletop games. They represent the creators behind the puzzles, board games, card games, roleplaying games, and video games we love, as well as game journalists and reviewers. They are artists who bring imagination...

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“We get asked a great many ‘how to’ questions about GMing at Origins and one of the best sites we have found for information is Gnome Stew!”

Game Manufacturer’s Association (GAMA)

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