Meet The Gnomes
Get to know our incredible creative team.
Angela Murray
Angela has been playing roleplaying games for about thirty years, but it's only in the last decade that she's gotten into being a game master. Once she got into it, though, her interest in that aspect of gaming exploded. In addition to writing for Gnome Stew, she also helped found and write for the all-female blog, 'Rogue Princess Squadron'.

Chris Sniezak
Chris is, or has been, a Podcaster, Writer, Game Designer, Kickstarter Runner, Con Director, Audio Editor, Audiobooks Reader, Graphic Designer, and Gamer. He wears all the hats and now a pointy red one. If you're liking what you're reading you can find more of his work on Encoded Designs or at Misdirected Mark Productions.

J.T. Evans
J.T. started role playing at the tender age of 10 years old one sweltering Texas afternoon. Since that fateful day he has eaten his way through dozens (maybe even hundreds!) of different systems in search of great and different tastes. When not sitting at the gaming table, he works at a Day Job keeping computers secure and writes fantasy stories in his spare time.

Jared Rascher
Jared is one of the hosts of the THAC0 with Advantage podcast, as well as one of the players on the actual play show The Heroes of Hovel's Way. In addition to his articles on Gnome Stew, he also has a blog, What Do I Know?, which explores roleplaying games and genre content. In 1994, he won a $50 gift certificate from the RPGA for a contest soliciting Forgotten Realms adventure, which remains his most noteworthy accomplishment to date.

John Arcadian
John Arcadian (he/him/they) is a freelance author, blogger, and art director in the tabletop gaming industry with many awards under his belt. He has given TEDx talks and academic presentations on the social aspects of gaming and writes gaming advice at the multiple ENnie award winning site and rant the site from 2014 to 2019. He also creates books, interactive gaming content, websites, and provides art direction for various companies like Encoded Designs, Cubicle 7, Kobold Press, Darker Hue Studios, Engine Publishing, Third Eye Games, Monte Cook Games, and many others. You can find a nearly complete list of publications at

Josh Storey
In his life, Josh has only ever had three career ambitions: astronaut, Superman, and storyteller. Since he's no good at math and (as far as his parents will admit) not from Krypton, he's going with option three.

Matthew J. Neagley
First introduced to RPGs through the DnD Red Box Set in 1990, Matt fights an ongoing battle with GMing ADD, leaving his to-do list littered with the broken wrecks of half-formed campaigns, worlds, characters, settings, and home-brewed systems. Luckily, his wife is also a GM, providing him with time on both sides of the screen.

Old Man Logan
Robert M. Everson, aka “Spenser,†has been gaming for the better part of 30 years, and half of that in the same group as Phil Vecchione. While he has GMed for the group many times, Spenser is still seeking that “signature campaign.†He has been a fan and supporter of Gnome Stew since its birth.

Phil Vecchione
A gamer for 30 years, Phil cut his teeth on Moldvay D&D and has tried to run everything else since then. He has had the fortune to be gaming with the same group for almost 20 years. When not blogging or writing RPG books, Phil is a husband, father, and project manager. More about Phil.

Senda Linaugh
Senda is a podcaster and game designer. She tends to favor improv GMing and rules light systems. While she loves a good long form campaign, life has conspired to make her extremely well versed in running one shots of four hours or less. You can hear her dulcet tones on the ENnie nominated podcast She's a Super Geek or on Panda's Talking Games.

Tomas Gimenez Rioja
Game designer, coffee aficionado, software engineer, Star Wars, and superhero fan, and many other nerdy things define who I am. It was 5 years ago that I got introduced to the world of RPGs through D&D. Nowadays, I have become such a fan of all things RPGs that I write about them, create my own games and post content into DrivethruRPG and the DMs' Guild.

Troy E. Taylor
Troy's happiest when up to his elbows in plaster molds and craft paint, creating terrain and detailing minis for his home game. A career journalist and Werecabbages freelancer, he also claims mastery of his kettle grill, from which he serves up pizza to his wife and three grown children.

Walt Ciechanowski
Walt's been a game master ever since he accidentally picked up the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set in 1982. He became a freelance RPG writer in 2005 and is currently the Victoriana Line Developer for Cubicle 7. Walt lives in Springfield, PA with his wife Helena and their three children, Leianna, Stephen, and Zoe.
Gnomes Emeritus
Gnomes who succumbed to the stewpot (and were tasty).

Avery Liell-kok
Avery Liell-Kok is an illustrator and workaholic living with her husband, three cats, and a room full of gaming books. She currently works full time as a children's illustrator for self-publishing authors, with over 80 books under her belt, as well as a freelance gaming and fantasy artist. You can find her work at Chantico Studios

Camdon Wright
Camdon Wright is a game writer and designer who loves telling stories, creating weird games, and sharing a gaming table with new people. He has two kids and a dog named Rockford. Rockford is a good dog.

Chuck Lauer
Chuck Lauer (he/him/his) is a tabletop RPG enthusiast, imaginary superhero, and reluctant professional who lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his husband, his dog, and a distressingly large pile of gaming books.

Daniel Kwan
Daniel Kwan is a podcaster, game designer, and developmental editor based in Toronto. He currently co-hosts the @azsnrepresent podcast and co-runs Level Up Gaming, an organization that helps adults with autism and other disabilities develop their social skills through group gaming experiences. Through @dundaswestgames, he’s published Zany Zoo and is currently working on a WWI PbtA hack called Ross Rifles!

Darcy Ross
Darcy Ross is a staff member at ConTessa and is interested in getting new people into gaming. Cypher System games are her jam, and she is a snail-ologist by day with a love of weird invertebrate animals.

Di is a freelance editor and future librarian that spends more time behind a GM screen than she likes to admit. She enjoys system-talk over long walks on the beach and likes critiquing mainstream games like some sort of elitist. Apparently an ENnie Judge and VTuber now?

Don Mappin
For nearly 30 years RPGs have been a staple of Don’s life — so that means he’s pretty old. Author of a dozen RPG books, Don has worked with companies such as ICE, Last Unicorn Games, Decipher, and AEG. He now spends his time working in IT management, enjoying his family and two children, or gaming.

Jennifer Adcock
Jennifer Adcock is an RPG designer, writer, and blogger. She loves games about feelings, outer space, robots, and unicorns. She writes RPGs about community and love, as well as D&D adventures that emphasize a non-combat approach to problem solving. She may or may not be a cat turned into a human turned into a gnome.

John Fredericks
In the early 1980's, John was given the Moldvay Red Box set as a birthday gift. The Blue Expert set soon followed and the mania has yet to subside. Over the years, he has played and GMed various flavors of D&D, Star Trek, Star Wars and the odd superhero game. Most of his recent GMing has been online using virtual tabletops. While not a current photo, John assures you that he has never looked better. Sad, but true. He is the sole proprieter of Sharp Mountain Games on

Kira Magrann
Kira is a ttrpg game designer + queer cyborg + snake mom living in Columbus, Ohio. She currently has a Patreon where she designs experimental games and a Youtube channel where she talks about game design. With the support of her patrons she recently released a game about Lesbisnakes in wintertime titled A Cozy Den.

Kurt "Telas" Schneider
Kurt Schneider played D&D in 1979 at summer camp, and was hooked. He lives with his wife, children, and dogs in Austin TX, where he writes stuff, and tries to stay get fit. Look for his rants under the nom de web Telas or TelasTX. Quote: “A game is only as balanced – or as good – as the GM."

Lori Caskey-Sigety
Lori Caskey-Sigety is an author, blogger, editor, educator, gamer, librarian, musician, poet, and writer. She served in public libraries for over twenty years and taught in higher education for over ten years. (Photograph courtesy of Shayna Breslin c2022)

Martin Ralya
A father, husband, writer, small-press publisher, former RPG industry freelancer, and lifelong geek, Martin has been gaming since 1987 and GMing since 1989. His blog, Yore, is primarily about gaming.

"Martin Ralya (TT)" is two people: Martin Ralya, the administrator of and a contributor to Gnome Stew, and a time traveler from the years 2005-2007, when he published the Treasure Tables GMing blog (TT). Treasure Tables got started in the early days of RPG blogging, and when Martin burned out trying to run it solo he shut it down, recruited a team of authors, and started Gnome Stew in its place. We moved all TT posts and comments to Gnome Stew in 2012.

Patrick Benson
Patrick was born in 1975, and is more or less your typical American male for someone of his age. Except he is a tabletop RPG gamer and a damn fine game master! What else matters?

Pete Petrusha
A tabletop role-playing game enthusiast and lover of all things pretend. Pete Petrusha is an indie game designer, tabletop RPG promoter, and the Creative Director at Imagining Games. He is the designer, author, and award nominated art director behind the empowering story building game, Dreamchaser: A Game of Destiny and the ridiculous roommate roleplaying game Rest in Pieces. Pete promotes tabletop RPGs at a variety of conventions throughout the country and leads an Indie Games on Demand movement in his local area. He is the former IGDN Convention Coordinator, and Host of the Indie Groundbreaker Awards.

Rob Abrazado
Rob is a freelance game writer, game editor, podcast editor, and programmer. He can sometimes be found wandering RPG conventions in the northeastern U.S. or at home in New York City with his family of loving humans and disdainful cats. Learn more at

Scott Martin
Scott is an engineer turned gnome and game store owner. He lies awake at night building intriguing worlds and plotting your character's demise.

Tangibleday (Andrew) is a 24/7 Dad, a full-time neuroscientist, and, in his free time, a freelance writer, photographer, and miniature tabletop gamer. So busy! Andrew is the publisher of, a blog dedicated to the avid tabletop gamer and miniature hobbyist. On Andrew's blog, you’ll find every treasure he's discovered and learned, including pro painting tips, tutorials, photography hacks, product reviews, and editorials. If you love tabletop gaming and painting miniatures, his site is for you! You can also check out his work on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Taylor LaBresh
Taylor runs Riverhouse Games, writes small-ish RPGs, and podcasts on a semi-regular basis. Interested in queer & LGBT+ stories in gaming, Taylor runs Game Closet, a chat podcast w/ queer creators, and curates an informal list of games w/ LGBT+ themes over at You can support more of his work by visiting

Tracy Barnett
Tracy was introduced to Basic D&D back in 1988, but didn’t really play and RPGs until D&D 3rd Edition came out. Since then, he’s ventured far and wide across different types of game. He loves indie games and how they empower players, and will always have a soft spot for D&D. In addition to blogging here, Tracy co-owns Exploding Rogue Studios and has published three of his own games in addition to some freelance credits. If you dig his work, you can support his Patreon at:

Wen Reischl
Wendelyn A. Reischl is a freelance writer, game designer, developer, and editor. He has been role playing since the late 1980s. Wen is the face of the Denver RPG Meetup, one of the world’s largest role playing meetup groups. He serves on the Boards of Tabletop Gaymers and Gamers Giving Inc. When not writing, running, or playing games; Wen enjoys live theater, photography, bicycling around town, drinking cider, and traveling to historical sites around the world. His goal is to unite, expand, and uplift the gaming community.