Happy holidays from all of us here at the Stew! Thank you for reading and commenting on our articles. It means a lot to us!
Warm wishes, and may your holidays be joyful.

Happy holidays from all of us here at the Stew! Thank you for reading and commenting on our articles. It means a lot to us!
Warm wishes, and may your holidays be joyful.
A father, husband, writer, small-press publisher, former RPG industry freelancer, and lifelong geek, Martin has been gaming since 1987 and GMing since 1989. His blog, Yore, is primarily about gaming.
Calling all Writers! Come write for Gnome Stew!
We are always looking for new articles and gnomes to throw in the stew. Drop an article proposal over at
Guest authors get paid the same per article rate as full time staff gnomes.
Through our partner Engine Publishing, we've published six system-neutral books for GMs, with over 28,000 copies sold. Available in print and PDF.
Through our partnership in the G.E.M. collective, many of the Gnomes are affiliated with creating products through Encoded Designs. Available in print and PDF.