It is that time again! Time for Gen Con, for the games, the seminars, the people…and the shopping! I love shopping at Gen Con. Throughout the year, I keep my non-digital purchases to a minimum, so that Thursday morning of Gen Con I can hit the floor and go on a spending spree. I still love physical books, and I like nothing more than to buy them face to face, in many cases with the people who make them.

If you are not going to Gen Con, I want you to have some of that experience through me. So for the 4th year, I will be doing the You Pick It, I Review It event. The name pretty much gives it away, but to be clear, you suggest in the comments what item I should review, and then I pick one, I go buy it at Gen Con, and I come home and review it for you.

We don’t have a lot of time before Gen Con so lets cover the ground rules…

The Rules

Just like last year, there are a few conditions on what I will pick up for review. These are the same as in years past, but let’s review in case you forgot:

  • RPG rules or gaming accessory only–While I like board games, card games, and such, The Stew is an RPG Blog, so lets keep it to an RPG rulebook or gaming accessory. We would rather not review an adventure either since they rarely are meaty enough for a full review.
  • Something new–While just about anything can be found out on the convention floor, we are not going to review the AD&D A-Series adventures (though they are awesome). Please pick something that has recently come out, that you have not had a chance to pick up at your local gaming store, or is debuting at Gen Con.
  • Something we have not reviewed before— While we are not a product review site, we have had the chance to do some great reviews. Check out our Review section for all our past reviews. Obviously, don’t pick one of those.
  • Let’s not break the bank–While I love you guys, bank accounts have limits. So lets keep this to about $30 (or a bit over…).

Your Turn

The rules have been covered. Please put your suggestions in the comment section for the item you would like to have me pick up and review. We will field comments until the end of the week (Midnight EST on 8/10). On Monday the 13th, I will let you know what I am going to pick up and review.

So, what do you want to see reviewed?