It’s been awhile since we had a contest, and I think it’s about time for another one.
As of yesterday, the Treasure Tables Store has been completely revamped. In addition to TT’s custom gaming T-shirts, it now features a wide range of RPG products available through I hope you like it, and feedback is always welcome in the comments.
The contest is simple: Just buy a T-shirt from the TT store between now (November 3rd) and November 30th, 2006, and email me your Order ID (which is provided upon checkout) before midnight on 11/30/06.
On December 1st, I will select one purchaser who has emailed me their Order ID at random and email them a $20.00 gift certificate. That’s all there is to it!
The winner will be announced here on TT on December 1st. Good luck!
Does your store accept foriegn credit cards (mastercard)?
Does it ship international?
The do ship internationally, but I’m not sure about the answer to your first question. I shot them a quick email to clear it up, and I’ll post their response here when it arrives.
Man, that was quick: Yep, they accept foreign credit cards from Mastercard, Visa and AmEx. 🙂