A little while back, I had the pleasure of working with Robert M. Everson on the gnomes’ second book, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game. Not long after that, he shot me an email expressing an interest in proofreading Gnome Stew articles, and we jumped at the chance to have Robert (aka Spenser here on the Stew) make us look better.
This turned out to be more complicated than we’d expected thanks to the way WordPress is configured, as Bob could only edit pre-publication articles for certain authors. Our resident WordPress wiz, John Arcadian, was able to figure out a solution.
Which brings us to today: I’m very pleased to announce that Bob has officially joined the Gnome Stew team! You can check out his bio on the Meet the Gnomes page, as well as a picture of him in a suit that makes me wonder if he knows what he’s signed up for.
Welcome aboard, Robert!
Welcome to the party!
@kirkdent – Thanks kirkdent, I’m glad to be here!
Little known fact – I once saw Bob fight off a dire weasel at a gaming convention with nothing but a felt hat and a spork. Literally nothing else. He was naked. The vision of it still haunts my dreams and causes me to wake up crying in a cold sweat.
Welcome to the team Bob! 🙂
Now I see why he wears the suit: To cover up the dire weasel bite scars.
Congrats Bob. Chicks dig Scars Martin Chicks dig scars.