For folks who don’t check TT over the weekends, welcome to the new TT: Treasure Tables has been completely redesigned. I still have a few kinks to work out, but on the blog end the heavy lifting is done. (Next up is trying to unify the blog, forums and wiki.)

I think there are all sorts of things about the new design that are better than the old one (or else I wouldn’t have made the switch!), but there are a few specific differences you’ll notice right away:

• The layout is wider and less crowded. A month of Google Analytics data told me that less than 2% of TT readers use a screen resolution of 800×600 — the resolution the old layout was designed to accommodate.

• It might be faster for you — I know it is for me. Previewing comments had gotten slower, and there were other problems caused by using an outdated version of WordPress (I couldn’t create new pages, for example…).

• The links to the forums and wiki have moved to the top of the header area.

• The comments link for each post is now under the title, instead of at the very end.

• The recent comments page is more robust.

• Previewing comments no longer requires loading a new page — your comment will show up right then, ready for you to edit or post. You can also post comments without previewing them, if you like.

I know it can be jarring when you’ve gotten used to a site and it changes dramatically, but hopefully you like the new layout and find TT both easier and more pleasant to use — that’s why I undertook this redesign.

Feedback is welcome, as are bug reports if you find anything broken.

Update: I’ve found a bug related to closed comments: If comments on a post are closed, it breaks the layout when you view that post on its own. This applies to all posts from July 2007 on back, and it’s completely baffling me right now.

Update #2: The layout has changed! And that bug above has been fixed, although the spacing of the right sidebar is now a little bit weird in IE (which I may not be able to fix). In conclusion, I’d like to say fuck you, Internet Explorer.