A quick Sunday morning update, after installing two plugins and doing some more fiddling:
Post archives are accessible again.
Recent comments are back. I don’t know about you, but having this page completely changes the way I interact with TT — I’m glad it’s back! It looks different now, so we’ll see how that goes.
The way previewed comments work has changed slightly. Now, instead of taking you up to the top of a new page to review your comment, it just pops it into the existing comments framework as a preview. Very slick. You can now also post without previewing (I may change that back, but I’d like to see if it works out well for commenters).
More to follow!
Update: More little things are done. Eyestrain = time to call it a day. Apart from the layout of a few pages and the placement of images in older posts, pretty much everything is done.
Thank you again for bearing with me during this redesign. I’m happy with how it’s turned out, and I hope you are as well. Suggestions, feedback and reports of anything that’s broken are very much welcome.
Your hard work is very much appreciated.
I really like the new look: it’s much less clunky. However, the huge “Treasure Tables” at the top is *screaming* for some anti-aliasing!
Thanks, Carolina and Mike!
And I agree: The header needs some work. I have no idea how to apply anti-aliasing to the text, but cleaning it up is on the list (and learning how in the process 😉 ).
Okay, anti-aliasing was really easy. Thanks for pointing that out, Mike!
No problem! It really does look absolutely gorgeous now! I’ll really have to show this to those who I’ve sent individual posts to; they won’t know it’s the same site!
I only discovered your site a few weeks ago (from a link in Dungeonmastering) and have been reading avidly ever since. I really like your site.
Perhaps it’s because I’m new and hadn’t grown blase or bored and had never struggled with some problem you used to have but I can’t as yet see any benefits to the changes.
I hate it that my first post is critical because as I said I really like your site but there are 2 aspects that I actively dislike.
The first is that when I read a post I like to go straight to the comments so it’s a little annoying that the link now seems to be only at the top so I have to page up to get to it. I’d prefer the comments link to be at the bottom of the post instead of or as well as at the top.
The other point is the one that bugs me most. When going to the archives and clicking on a category or subcategory one goes straight to a bunch of posts instead of, as previously, to a list of post titles.
I really liked that list of titles.
No worries, Jill — that’s excellent feedback.
My thinking on the comments link was that when they’re on the front page, most posts aren’t long enough to require paging up to get to that link, and when they’re on their own page (when you’re viewing just one post), the comments are expanded anyway. I’ll run through some posts and reevaluate that — adding the link at the bottom as well when they’re on the front page sounds like a good idea.
On the archives, thank you! I completely forgot to add back in the “list of posts” element. I’m using a different archives plugin, so I’ll have to do some fiddling today and see if I can get that going. They’re completely useless as-is, like you said. 😉
Mike: Yeah, the non-anti-aliased version was pretty painful. Thank you again. 🙂
Jill: Done! Let’s give the top/bottom thing a try, and see how that works for everyone.