What’s the Crock Pot? Just a simmering bowl of lentils and herbs, with a dash of DMing observations. Don’t be afraid to dip in your ladle and stir, or throw in something from your own spice rack.
Leggo my Legos
I’m installing laminate flooring in the front room of my house. It’s this stuff that looks like hardwood, but isn’t, so it’s cheaper. Anyway, the laminate boards are about four feet long and more than a foot wide, and you place them by interlocking a row of them together, then doing the same with the previous row you laid down. Wouldn’t it be cool if D&D designed Dungeons Tiles to do the same thing, so they wouldn’t slide around the tabletop so much? (Oh, I guess they don’t slide on the virtual table top).
I ran an Eberron-themed game at a local convention recently. I used a Hot Wheels-brand “dragstar” tractor as an infernal steampunk machine as part of the minis display. I thought it was cool. Crank her up, boys.
Deal ’em from the top
Will I be able to use my Paizo-brand critical hit deck with Fourth Edition? I wonder.
Have you tried using just a bit of Blue-Tac (that blue gum that sticks posters to walls) underneath your tiles? It works like a charm with the D&D Tiles.
As for the Crit Hits deck… Not sure as ability damage is pretty mush out the door but it would be worth the try…
Tact-Tiles for the win. They’re pieces of whiteboard material with a 1″x1″ grid drawn on, then cut into interlocking puzzle pieces. I’m just glad I got my set before the company went out of business.
Still, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to make your own.
Pergo (the Kleenex of laminate flooring — I’m sure there are other brands, but I call them all Pergo) is awesome. About half of the main floor of our house is laminate, and it’s durable, easy to clean and a whole lot less fuss than wood.
I wonder if someone with access to a bandsaw could make gridless Tact-Tile substitutes by buying, then dicing up, a large whiteboard from an office supply store?
Never used Dungeon Tiles or such …. have ye olde whiteboard with grid overlay. Looks kinda swish when backdropped against our real polished floorboards!
You can make dungeon tiles that actually click together by using… Lego bricks: http://www.brickquest.com/brickquest/
The 4×4 lego tiles are approximately 1″ square, so it’s pretty close to a standard D&D grid.
I found this:
Why no love for the trusty battlemat?
I got a pack of Dungeon Tiles, and since then have never used them. I’m lazy, with my battlemat out, I usually just draw out the rooms, plunk down the furniture (mostly purloined from games like HeroQuest or a few Dwarven Forge accessory packs) and the miniatures and go. But I can definitely see the appeal. I have on occasion used posterboard and a marker to lay out a dungeon setting in advance, but those are useful once, principally, unless you want to hear, “You know, this tavern sure looks familiar!”
The Critical Hit Deck is a handy item, and I’m sure there’ll be an easy way to adapt it to 4th Edition. I tend to be pretty optimistic.
So sayeth Omnus.
I too have “transitioned” all my HeroQuest furniture for D&D use. That stuff also sparked my interest in cardstock construction.