It’s an annual tradition here on the Stew to douse the fire, let the gnomes escape from the stewpot, and not try to round the little buggers up again until the new year.
Or, ’tis the season for reruns — the week when we take a break from writing new GMing content and instead bring you our favorite articles from the past year on the Stew.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us gnomes, and we’ll see you in 2012 — just in time for D&D 5th Edition the Mayan apocalypse!
Kurt “Telas” Schneider’s pick
Why Kurt chose this article: “No matter how much prep, skill, background, knowledge, creativity, or ability you bring to the table, it won’t matter if you’re not relaxed enough to respond quickly and creatively to the players. One of the most important skills you can learn as a GM (and as a human being) is learning when and how to relax.”
Martin Ralya’s pick
“I’ll never be able to do this justice” Syndrome
Why Martin chose this article: “This sums up a lot about how I feel about gaming in general these days in one short phrase: Just say “Fuck it!” and have a good time. It’s not as flippant as it sounds, and this philosophy has led to me running the best game I’ve ever run, my current Star Trek campaign. It’s also simple, straightforward, and seemed to strike a chord with readers.”