With preorders for Gnome Stew’s next book, Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep opening on June 4th, I figured today was a good day to share some of the amazing interior artwork we’re lucky enough to have in the book.
John Arcadian, who art directed our first two books (Masks and Eureka), also art directed Never Unprepared. Working with John were our two interior artists, Matt Morrow (who also did the cover) and Christopher Reach. Everyone involved knocked this out of the park, but don’t take my word for it — see for yourself!
Artwork by Christopher Reach
Chris was our primary interior artist, and he did half-page pieces as well as several full-page illustrations.

Artwork by Matt Morrow
In addition to doing Never Unprepared’s cover, Matt also contributed several interior pieces.

I have one final preview coming up this month: sample pages from the book. If you’re undecided about whether you need Never Unprepared in your GMing library, that preview should help you make up your mind — and hopefully convince you that you do!
The art work did nothing to detract my want of this book. I would say it made me want it more as I’m really into that grey scale shading thing except I already wanted it as much as a person could. So really this more like a tease, here’s some awesome but you still have to wait for it. Crafty devilish gnomes.
You shouldn’t have to wait TOO long, at least! I’m working on the index right now, we’re stomping the last few typos and tweaking the layout a bit, and things are looking very good for opening preorders on June 4.
I have to say that these pictures are now enticing me towards purchase…
Curse you Gnome Stew! Making things worth buying! :).
@Loonook – Getting to work with folks who create stuff like these illustrations is one of my favorite parts of being a publisher. I’m glad you like them!