Gnome Stew has been nominated for Best Blog in the 2015 ENnie Awards, and I’d like to ask you to vote for the Stew. The ENnies are judge-nominated, but fan-awarded — and are sometimes decided by veeeery slim margins. This is one of those times when every vote really does matter!
Voting is open through July 14, requires no special login/account, and takes just a few seconds. You can vote in as many or as few categories as you like. Here’s the step-by-step process:
- Visit the ENnie Awards voting booth
- Scroll to Best Blog and click it
- Rank Gnome Stew a “1”
- Click “Vote!”
That’s the whole shebang! (Veterans of past ENnies will note that the new system records your vote in each category, as you vote, not all at once at the end.) If you vote for the Stew, thank you very much for your support!
Why the Ennies and your votes matter to the gnomes
We produce free GMing content here because we love doing it. We pay for the site’s hosting bill from our advertising revenue, and the rest of what we earn goes into site improvements and member contests. None of us make money from the Stew.
Which is why the ENnies matter to us — they’re great motivation! Being nominated is a signal that we’re doing something right, and winning an ENnie is a foghorn-blast, quadruple-strength signal from you, our readers, that you like our work.
At the end of the day, you’re why we’re here. You’re why we’ve been running the Stew since 2008, an eternity in Internet-time (it’s like dog years!). Thank you for reading, commenting on, sharing, and getting good gaming mileage out of what you read here.
If you vote for the Stew, thank you!
Voted! Good luck, Gnomes.
Thank you!