I give you the amazing Perilous Cliff Road of Doom, as featured in Dangerous Roads of the World, Part 2. (Via kottke.)
Not only is this road incredibly cool, but it fits into any genre — pulp, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, modern, espionage, supers… Seriously, I can’t think of a single genre where this wouldn’t work as a standout encounter site.
And the best part is that if you like GMing with pictures, there are plenty of photos of this crazy road to choose from.
That is just a cool location. I’m going to merge that into my current game, as it is conveniently located in a jungle. I might even add the location into canon.
Of all the roads they profiled, I thought this was the coolest by far. The backstory (dug by hand by peasants over the coursre of several years) was interesting as well.
Two words come to mind: Bull Rush.
Amazing photo. It will be perfect to drop in my Eberron campaign when the party heads to Xen’drik.