Zachary Houghton (formerly of RPG Blog), Vicki Potter of Tabletop Adventures, myself and Phil Vecchione of will be running Mastering Your GM-Fu at this year’s GenCon.

It’s a free seminar dedicated to the craft of GMing, first run at GenCon Indy 2006. Last year, it went very well — we had a packed house, we answered a ton of great questions (it didn’t feel like two hours!) and it seemed like it was genuinely helpful for a lot of the GMs who attended. Running it again this year was any easy decision for all four of us on the panel — it was a blast.

Mastering Your GM-Fu is SEM00052 in the event registration listings, and will be taking place on Saturday, August 18th from 2:00-4:00 PM. We only have 100 open seats, and based on last year’s attendance we’re expecting to fill them all.

There’s been some discussion of a Treasure Tables meetup at GenCon, but in case that doesn’t wind up happening, I’d love to meet as many TT readers — lurkers, regulars and forum members alike — at this seminar as possible. I hope to see you there!