Zachary Houghton (formerly of RPG Blog), Vicki Potter of Tabletop Adventures, myself and Phil Vecchione of will be running Mastering Your GM-Fu at this year’s GenCon.
It’s a free seminar dedicated to the craft of GMing, first run at GenCon Indy 2006. Last year, it went very well — we had a packed house, we answered a ton of great questions (it didn’t feel like two hours!) and it seemed like it was genuinely helpful for a lot of the GMs who attended. Running it again this year was any easy decision for all four of us on the panel — it was a blast.
Mastering Your GM-Fu is SEM00052 in the event registration listings, and will be taking place on Saturday, August 18th from 2:00-4:00 PM. We only have 100 open seats, and based on last year’s attendance we’re expecting to fill them all.
There’s been some discussion of a Treasure Tables meetup at GenCon, but in case that doesn’t wind up happening, I’d love to meet as many TT readers — lurkers, regulars and forum members alike — at this seminar as possible. I hope to see you there!
I’m definitely going to be there. In fact, I have my own 1 hour seminar on the same day at 10:00am – “Keep Your Science Out Of My Fiction”. So perhaps besides the TT outing already suggested by Telas in the forums, we could arrange a TT lunch of sorts between the 2 seminars? Anyone interested in that?
Lunch between seminars is a good idea. I think if there’s enough interest in a TT meetup, we should stick to one, though (plus seeing each other at seminars, etc.).
I am so going to this seminar! Oh yea..I pretty much have to. 😉
Seriously, this was a great time last year, and I know that I got a lot of great ideas from answering questions and participating in the group discussions. Oh yea, and a really cool pin. Don’t forget the pins.
VV_GM, I did not put 1 and 1 together. I saw that seminar and had it on my short list for attending. Good topic.
I would love to meet up with any TT members, and a lunch between talks could be a lot of fun.
I wish I could make it, but unfortunately GenCon is simply not in the cards for me.
Do you think it would be possible to cover some of the questions and answers from the session in a later post?
I would hate to miss out on excellent information because I missed the Con.
Great question, Nakalas!
We actually planned to have an MP3 file of portions of last year’s seminar available as a free download, but we ran into technical problems with the audio at the seminar.
We’ve kicked around a few ideas for how to make seminar Q&A available to folks in your situation — which we’d love to do — but haven’t finalized anything yet.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with for all of us unlucky enough to miss it.
I’m glad you’re returning to a good thing. I hope it’s fun and filled with lots of good questions.