If you’ve been waiting for the standalone PDF edition of our latest book, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game, your wait is over!
We’ve also made the Masks PDF available in a bundle with our first book, Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters, for 20% off:
- Order Masks and Eureka for 20% off from Engine Publishing
- Order Masks and Eureka together from DriveThruRPG
Our graphic designer and layout guru, Darren Hardy, does an amazing job on our PDF editions.
This PDF is DRM-free, so you can easily cut and paste NPCs into your adventure notes. It’s also extensively bookmarked (all 1,000 NPCs are bookmarked by name, as are all major sections) and hyperlinked.
And on top of the utility of Matt Neagley’s three excellent indexes, you also get full searchability: Pick a keyword, like a Trait, to search for, and pull up all instances of that keyword in the entire book. We tested it on a range of devices, and it looks great on all of them; several folks have commented on how well it works on their tablets.
If you’re still on the fence, why not check out reviews of Masks or download a 17-page PDF excerpt from the book that includes 18 ready-to-use NPCs?