Author: Laura Hamel

About The Author

Laura Hamel is a game convention organizer and professional software engineer. Having held roles of Con Chair, Events Coordinator, Ops Coordinator, and Technology Chair, Laura is a key organizer of U-Con Gaming Convention, a Michigan based con with annual attendance of 1100, which is going virtual in November 2020. She created the event and registration management software behind U-Con and has released it as open source software under the name GameConSuite. Laura loves tabletop roleplaying and board games. Find her on U-Con’s Facebook page or the U-Con website.

It Came From The Stew Pot

Hey you. Yeah, you. Do you know about Gnomecast 21? Why isn’t it in the archives? What are they hiding? If you value your safety… don’t go searching for Gnomecast 21…

Gnomecast 21 poster with a beared gnome and the words "I survived Gnomecast #21

What Are People Saying?

What are people saying?

“If you aren’t reading Gnome Stew, you’re missing out.”

Wolfgang Baur, Kobold Press

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