From November 1st through December 9th, Treasure Tables will be in reruns. I’ve queued up 39 posts from the archives (some obvious choices, some less obvious ones), and they’ll be popping up one-a-day until early December.
Rerun mode also means:
Comments are off, except on two posts: Taking November Off from Writing TT, and the one you’re reading right now (for feedback and ideas about sustaining TT). I wish I could leave comments open like normal — your comments are a huge part of what TT is all about — but I just won’t have time to read them, clear the mod queue, police spam and so forth. Every rerun post will have a link to the original’s comments section, so that you can follow those discussions if you’re interested.
The Treasure Tables forums will remain open, thanks to our most excellent moderators. If you need a GMing discussion fix, I encourage you to sign up (it’s free!) and dive on in.
I’ll probably be much slower than normal on answering email, and you won’t see much of me on the site. Hell, I don’t think my wife will see much of me around the house — this NaNo thing is going to be nuts (in a good way).
I’m doing this because I’m taking part in National Novel Writing Month, and because I need a break from running this site. There’s a chance that after such a long break, I won’t return to writing TT (or at least, not in quite the same form). That’s the short version; the long version is in Taking November Off from Writing TT.
That’s enough out of me, though — for the next 39 days, enjoy some blasts from the recent and not-so-recent past as we take a spin through the archives. See you in December!
Don’t forget about the Ninjas Martin!
Good luck!
Ninjas? Hell no!
“Everything is better with pirates!”
– Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising
Enjoy banging your fingrs into bloody stumps over the next month!
Good luck and see you in December!
fingrs = fingers.
That’s what I get for skipping “preview.”
I signed up for NaNoWriMo too, partly encouraged by your example. My usual moniker was already taken, so any posts I make on the NaNo site will use the handle ‘anatman’. Good luck and hit any writer’s blocks with a 10d Fireball.
Break a spacebar, man! I signed up earlier this month for the sheer challenge of it all. My novel will likely feature both Ninja and Pirates (it will be loosely based on the stories I tell my son before nap time), but will likely not have any Robots nor Dinosaurs. Cake and pie will be present at some point, I’m sure.
Congratulations Martin! Just noticed that you’ve managed to get to 50.000 words already. Does this mean we’ll be able to enjoy your new posts again sooner?
Not that these aren’t interesting; I especially liked a few of the old 2005 and early 2006 posts, which I hadn’t seen before.
Good luck polishing up your novel (or is that against the spirit of NaNoWriMo?), and see you early december!
Thanks, Burrowowl and Richard!
I didn’t stop at 50k, and I’m definitely enjoying my week off. My novel is currently marinating while I learn about editing and the revision process; I’ll be going back to it in a few weeks, heading down the road to — hopefully — publication.
In the meantime, this is my big weekend to come to a decision about Treasure Tables. It’s going to be a hectic weekend (Christmas shopping, decorating, running Mage, going to a birthday party) and a tough decision. I’ll write a new post about it when I’m ready, hopefully by Monday.