What’s the Crock Pot? Just a simmering bowl of lentils and herbs, with a dash of DMing observations. Don’t be afraid to dip in your ladle and stir, or throw in something from your own spice rack.

I posted earlier about purchasing some of Hirst Arts’ CastleMolds with the intent of making a modular dungeon for my gaming sessions.

Well, several jugs of plaster mixture and a lot of green and black paint later, I’ve produced my first set. 

The cavern floor

A few glass beads serve as a pool in the great hall of the mind flayer from my Age of Worms game.

A few glass beads serve as a pool in the great hall of the mind flayer from my Age of Worms game.


The brown and gray flagstone walls

Gray and brown flagstone serve as the walls in this chamber leading to a balcony overlooking the great hall.

Gray and brown flagstone serve as the walls in this chamber leading to a balcony overlooking the great hall.


My next project

What lies ahead? These unfinished columns will be a key component to the arena I'm making for the next installment of the Age of Worms, "The Champion's Belt."

What lies ahead? These unfinished columns will be a key component to the arena I'm making for the next installment of the Age of Worms, "The Champion's Belt."

I think I’m going to need more bricks.