I’ll stand down by the door
And catch the grey men when they
Dive from the fourteenth floor -Steely Dan, “Black Friday”
So the tryptophan finally wore off, but it’s too late;you’ve already missed all the cool tech deals at the local geek-o-rama.
But that’s all right, because Uncle Telas is posting a few links for your shopping dollar (assuming you still have one). These are not necessarily “Black Friday” deals, but they are all gaming-related.
- Paizo’s Sales Rack – Too many deals to list here, but the Goodman Games stuff is 50% off.
- Tabletop Adventures’ Annual Overlord’s Birthday Sale – With a name like that, you’ve got to check it out.
- RPGNow’s Free Products – What could possibly be better than free gaming stuff? (It’s a rhetorical question, stop trying to come up with a clever answer and go get some!)
- RPGOverstock is part of Gamer’s Attic – It’s like a two-for-one deal (or a Cleave, for you D&D 3.5 diehards).
- The RPG Books section of Overstock.com – Betcha didn’t know this even existed.
- Your Friendly Neighborhook Gaming Shop – OK, no link here, but these guys are probably about to hit a rough spot in the road in the near future; pay ’em a visit, and show them (preferably by spending money there) that you still care.
If you’ve got more ideas on where to buy gaming goodies, please share the link love in the comments. Black Friday isn’t about gaming – yet. Let’s see what we can do to get that ball rolling!
Black Friday *is* about gaming in Columbus. The Columbus Area Boardgaming Society has our Annual After-Turkey Day Gamefest today… and tomorrow, too! (I’m going tomorrow.) It’s not RPGing, but it is gaming.
A friend just sent me a link to the Fantasy Flight clearance, if you’re in a shopping mood.
You warm my heart when you use a Becker and Fagan lyric!
I had no idea about some of those, especially the free section of RPGNOW, or that Overstock.com still existed!
I love black Friday, I think I am going to love blackest Friday even more.