Issue 357 of Roleplaying Tips features the article 9 Spheres Of Influence: My Broad RPG Planning Checklist, which ranks game planning considerations in order of importance.

Here are the first two “spheres,” the idea being that more important spheres contain and influence successively less important ones:

  1. GM preferences
  2. Player preferences

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, as the author says, “There are many exceptions to this, and if the list doesn’t reflect your group’s structure, then feel free to re-order it,” and I like the overall concept — it’s a neat framework.

On the other hand, I think the first two spheres should be reversed, with player preferences in the top spot. Without a group of interested players, it doesn’t really matter what your preferences are as a GM — your game won’t be much fun.

…Except that if you, the GM, aren’t really jazzed about the game, then there won’t be a game at all — which suggests that GM preferences are paramount, at least in some ways. This is a toughie — what do you think of the “sphere” concept, and the order of importance?