The current front page of TT’s GMing Q&A Forum offers a pretty good snapshot of the kinds of discussions we’ve been having there recently. Here’s the first nine topics, with links:
- R.A. Salvatore on being a good DM
- The Most Troublesome d20 Rules
- Power level of people in your world
- Hybrid systems??
- What New Game Do You Resolve to Try in 2007?
- Campaign Ideas
- Books on the art of the GameMaster
- PC imbalance
- Rotating GM’s
The TT forums are relaxed and friendly, and they’re a great place to discuss a wide range of GMing and general RPG topics. If that sounds good to you, but you don’t have a forum account yet (crazy talk!), why not sign up today?
I may be biased, but I do enjoy these forums and forum folk.
Yeah, I’m a wee bit biased myself…
If it wasn’t a genuinely good community, though, I wouldn’t be pimping it. 😉