2/2 is the first annual New Game Day, and we’re celebrating by offering up over $300 in prizes. To enter, all you need to do is tell us about the new game(s) you played on New Game Day — read on for the details!


How to Enter

New Game Day is about playing new tabletop RPGs and board games, and we want to hear about what you played on 2/2.

To enter, just comment below about the new game(s) you played on 2/2. You can comment more than once, but only one comment (your first) counts as your entry. You’re also welcome to comment about other things, but only comments about new games that you played on New Game Day can win.

To accommodate gamers in different time zones, the comments are open now even though it’s still 2/1 where I am, and will stay open until sometime on 2/3 (Mountain Daylight, U.S.). We’ll choose the winners at random from all eligible comments.

(As always, members of the Gnome Stew aren’t eligible to win but are welcome to comment.)


Courtesy of Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing, and Parenthesis Press, we’re offering 6 prizes for New Game Day:

  1. A $100 Amazon.com gift certificate
  2. $75 worth of PDFs from DriveThruRPG (you email us what you want, and we’ll buy it for you)
  3. $50 worth of PDFs from DriveThruRPG (ditto)
  4. Digital editions of any 3 Engine Publishing books (you choose the books) and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press
  5. Digital editions of any 2 Engine Publishing books and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press
  6. The digital edition of any 1 Engine Publishing book and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press

Happy New Game Day, happy gaming, and may your dice roll well!