2/2 is the first annual New Game Day, and we’re celebrating by offering up over $300 in prizes. To enter, all you need to do is tell us about the new game(s) you played on New Game Day — read on for the details!

How to Enter
New Game Day is about playing new tabletop RPGs and board games, and we want to hear about what you played on 2/2.
To enter, just comment below about the new game(s) you played on 2/2. You can comment more than once, but only one comment (your first) counts as your entry. You’re also welcome to comment about other things, but only comments about new games that you played on New Game Day can win.
To accommodate gamers in different time zones, the comments are open now even though it’s still 2/1 where I am, and will stay open until sometime on 2/3 (Mountain Daylight, U.S.). We’ll choose the winners at random from all eligible comments.
(As always, members of the Gnome Stew aren’t eligible to win but are welcome to comment.)
Courtesy of Gnome Stew, Engine Publishing, and Parenthesis Press, we’re offering 6 prizes for New Game Day:
- A $100 Amazon.com gift certificate
- $75 worth of PDFs from DriveThruRPG (you email us what you want, and we’ll buy it for you)
- $50 worth of PDFs from DriveThruRPG (ditto)
- Digital editions of any 3 Engine Publishing books (you choose the books) and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press
- Digital editions of any 2 Engine Publishing books and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press
- The digital edition of any 1 Engine Publishing book and a PDF copy of House of Cards from Parenthesis Press
Happy New Game Day, happy gaming, and may your dice roll well!
I played Munchkin Pathfinder with my family. I’ve never played any type of card games like this before. I recommend widely the Munchkin game for any family of group of friends
We played Star Trek the Original Series Deck Builder game and after a little bit of a rough start we liked it a lot. I do recommend watching some youTube videos to walk you through the game as the manual is a little wonky!
My wife and kids and I played Robo Rally, and then I used the Purple Sorcerer random character generator to create sheets of 4x 0-level PCs for each player.
We started our family DCC RPG campaign after that. After villagers begin getting sick from a the poisoned town well, the 5 players’ 20 peasants are journeying in search of The Old Sage of the North, who is said to have vast knowledge – perhaps vast enough to cleanse the village well. Owlbears and wolves afflicted and pared down the peasants on the journey. Next session tomorrow after school and work. The PCs will search the seemingly abandoned fort that holds the knowledge, remains, and experiments of the sage. Great fun.
I found two boxes of a game called “Wings of War” at a local thrift store for $2 each. The contents of the boxes seen to suggest that somebody actually crammed three games into the two boxes, with all pieces accounted for. Because of that, I wasn’t sure whether or not to expect a dud, but the game is fantastic! I especially liked the movement mechanic and an also trying to imagine ways to incorporate the game into our current RPG (like scrapping the flight rules and using WoW like a mini-game).
I played basic d&d – first time. It was alreet. Still not sure what all the retro fuss is about but it was a laugh. I also played my first ever dwarf. It’s only taken me 30 years to get round to it.
Hope the comment was in time…
I played my new boardgame Le Havre with my wife in the morning. In the evening, my friends and I gathered for our first character creation session to a post-apocalyptic FATE game.
Both were a blast!
I got to play an awesome board game called Yggdrasil. You play as Norse Gods and have to stop evil Gods from, well, doing evil stuff… The art is beautiful, and we all had a blast!!
I played the Pathfinder card game. I really liked it! I will probably buy it soon.
Recently I ran Microlite 20 for two groups of my high school students. We had a day between semesters and it seemed like a better option than letting them stare at their phones for an hour.
Microlite 20 is a new game for me. It is a stripped down (REALLY stripped down) version of d20 and it ran great. There was no tripping over complicated feats and long skill lists. It also allowed the students to grasp the rules fairly quickly.
What was really exciting about the session was that for most of the students, it was their first exposure to roleplaying games, their “New Game.” And they responded better than I could have hoped. They couldn’t wait to try out their character’s abilities, often talking over each other in excitement. Of course they compared it to video games they played, but a couple even said that this was better. You could do whatever you wanted and it wasn’t the same thing every time. Some even wanted to know how they could get copies of the rules and the character sheets we used.
a couple of players had to miss my group’s regular Pathfinder game, so the rest of us tried out Pandemic (Zman Games) and The Desolation of Smaug (Cryptozoic). both are cooperative board games.
Pandemic’s game play felt a lot like Forbidden Island, which is a favorite of mine, with several nice complications. cascading outbreaks are horrific. we barely managed to squeak in a win with all four cures.
The Desolation of Smaug isn’t bad, but i was hoping for a bit more than a dice matching game. and it may have just been luck, but board 4 (taking on Smaug) felt like a cakewalk compared to board 3 (hacking through Mirkwood). final score 21 points.
I played some Pandemic and ran some Shadowrun Missions. Good day, good day!
I get in touch with Panic Station, good game but the rules can be written a little better.
Before the big game, got together with some friends to try out some new board games by tow of my fav designers, Sperium by William Attia and Amerigo by Stefan Feld. Both were quite fun (and much better games than what came after on the TV…at least the Seahawks won).
I had the chance to run a FAE (Fate Accelerated Edition) adventure. I actually included it as a “side mission” in my ongoing Spirit of the Century campaign, with different characters. Both me and my players had a lot of fun! And they managed to stop a captured flying aircraft carrier without destroying it (they actually regained its control!)
Well, spent the day with my parents at my great-uncles house. My mother was in need of ‘game time’.
So, I brought Ticket To Ride along with 2 ‘bag-fulls’ of other ‘beginner’ style games.
My wife didn’t turn her nose up at Ticket To Ride, so that was the green-light. So, I set it up, and taught 3 generations of family members: My two sons, my wife, and my mother.
My wife actually enjoyed it, said it wasn’t to “boy”, like King of Tokyo which the boys and I play often and she wouldn’t even entertain playing, ever. Since she enjoyed it, it means we’ll play as a family again, yippee!
But, my mother actually LOVED it. She said many times how much fun she was having, and called my father in from the other room on more than one occasion to tell him about it.
She was so enamored with the game, she bought it for her iPad to play by herself there. My wife and I discussed it and are going to buy it for her birthday, which was 2 weeks ago. (don’t make me a villain, we took her to dinner instead of buying a gift, but this will be icing on the cake)
So yeah, Ticket to Ride was a glorious success!
It wasn’t new to me, but I DID introduce two of my friends to Yggdrasil, the board game! Dunno if that counts.
At first I was thinking I didn’t actually participate but then I realized that I was playing a new game on 2/2.
My wife and I had a date weekend and Saturday night after an amazing dinner and a few pints at the local brewery got home and decided to try Runewars. A very interesting Fantasy FX game that took almost 5 hours. It took so long that Saturday had turned into Sunday by the time we finished.
I played all saturday and till the wee hours in the sunday Dungeon world. My master decided he wanted to try something different from our regular d&d sessions
We had a ton of fun playing Agricole and Carcassonne 🙂
I got to play two new Tabletop games on 2/2. I got to play Lunch Money, by Atlas Games, a brutal school yard bullying game that’s pretty hilarious. I also got to play my first game of Numenera.
I ran a few players through a demo of Judge Dredd Miniature Games.
My kids played Mutants & Masterminds with another GM for the first time. They really enjoyed it.
burn, gnome, burn! bwahahahahaa
We played an X-Men/mutant scenario in the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game where we fought some Brood invaders. Our group consisted of Rogue, ShadowCat, Beast,Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Wiccan and Speed. After a long period of focusing on FATE games, it was nice to break out the old d4s, d8s, d10s and d12s.
Thank you to everyone who celebrated New Game Day and came by to tell us how it went for you!
As the giveaway has ended, this comment thread is now closed. Happy gaming!