Not to take away from today’s excellent Too Defined A Setting Can Prevent Player Creativity article, nor to detract from Gnome Stew’s awesome First Anniversary Contest where you can win a set of Battlegraph Dry Erase Tiles, but one of my other projects is a little web site called You Meet In A Tavern and we are having a contest over there with prizes. Why not share the wealth and give you Gnome Stew readers a chance to get in on the action, eh?
We all have our favorite games, supplements, tools, swag, etc. Being gamers we love telling everyone, and we mean everyone, all about them. At great length. Over and over…Â You get the picture.
How would you like to tell the whole world about your favorite RPG product without being ignored? Better yet, how would you like to actually get something for all of your jaw flapping? Well, here’s your chance! Not only are the YMIAT staff members asking to hear all about your favorite RPG product, but we’re giving away prizes to the best pitch makers that make us want to grab our dicebags and head for the gaming table.
What do you have to do?
It’s simple! Pick an RPG product that you feel needs more attention and press coverage (Root for the Underdog, remember?) and write a short paragraph of 200 words or less telling everyone about it and why we should give it the attention that it deserves. Post your pitch right here in the contest thread then sit tight and wait for us to decide which entry we like best!
How do you win?
Win by making us want to play the game, use the supplement, etc. that you’re telling us about (taking into consideration the theme). It’s a double jeopardy process. First you have to convince the two YMIAT moderators Rick_TWA (aka – Matthew J. Neagley) and Telas (aka – Kurt Schneider) that your product is the best. Then they’ll submit their favorite three each to site owner VV_GM (the would be me). I’ll pick the winner from the entries that I receive.
What will you win?
I will pick a first place winner and a runner up. On Friday May 29th at noon I will announce the winners and send them gifts via RPGNow of some of my own favorite underdog products in PDF format.
The fine print.
One entry per person, and no editing an entry after it has been posted. All entries must be posted no later than Thursday May 28th midnight U.S. central time.
That’s all there is too it! Just write a paragraph about your favorite RPG underdog product and leave the rest to us!
Hope to see some of you Gnome Stew readers at the tavern! 🙂
About You Meet In A Tavern – Originally the forums section of Treasure Tables(the predecessor to Gnome Stew), YMIAT continues the tradition of being a site dedicated to GMs of all game systems and genres. Share your stories, ask others for advice, and learn from a community of GMs from across the globe at the tavern!