Jeff Rients has started the Worldwide Adventure Writing Month project (WoAdWriMo for short). With NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as a sort of template, Jeff aims to increase the pool of quality adventures available to GMs everywhere.
There’s a paradox at work in the RPG industry when it comes to published scenarios: Most RPG publishers don’t see very good returns on published them, but many GMs get a lot of mileage out of them (myself included). WoAdWriMo aims to change that.
Read on for links and details about WoAdWriMo.
This is exactly the kind of badass, community-minded project that I can really get behind, so I offered Jeff my support via TT. This whole thing came together very quickly, and it’s worth breaking down what resources are where and so forth.
The Worldwide Adventure Writing Month blog is WoAdWriMo headquarters, and the home of news and other developments in the project. Jeff Rients is the WoAdWriMo Coordinator — although he’s modest about it, this is his baby.
TT hosts the official Worldwide Adventure Writing Month forum, the hub for all project-related discussion, encouragement and ideas.
TT will host completed WoAdWriMo adventures for download. There’ll be a specific section for that on this site, but it’s not there yet. You can find the (currently empty) download hub here: WoAdWriMo Adventure Downloads.
This whole project got its start as a post on Jeff’s blog, and it’s taken off from there. I’m very excited about this, as you can probably tell.
WoAdWriMo is focused on offering a fun challenge to the GMing community, and on improving the resources available to this community as a whole. That rocks on toast in so many ways, and I’m thrilled to be able to play a part.
What sort of organization will there be? At a bare minimum for such a wealthy repository to be useful, it’d need to be sortable by system and, where applicable, “level” (where level might not actually be level depending on the system). It would also be really nice to be able to find specific things, like, say, adventures dealing with gnolls or an adventure set on a space station. Maybe a tagging system?
A tagging system sounds like a great idea.
Also, I am thrilled that you are presuming there will be enough participation that organizing the resulting adventures will be an issue. Yay positivity!
By the time there are adventures to tag, I’m confident that we can find someone with the coding knowledge to set up a basic tagging interface that I can plug into TT.
That might even be me — I’ll do some digging, and see what comes up.
It’s a very cool idea, and one that I hope to participate in– thanks for proposing and coordinating it.
As for tagging, Tiddy Wiki is hostable on the web and has a basic tagging system. With a few (free) plugins, you can make the tag sorting much more robust.
I’m in.
Posted to Forums and already writing.
Such a tagging/uploading/downloading/sorting mechanism is already available at
There’s also a wiki, a digg style news area and a forum.
It’s specifically aimed at folk creating game material who want somewhere none commercial to see it aired, and we’re just looking for more people to participate.