The first annual Worldwide Adventure Writing Month challenge has ended — at least officially (more on that in a moment). Six GMs took the WoAdWriMo challenge, creating seven free adventures and sharing them with the community in the adventure archive:
Asteroid 1618 (PDF), an Encounter Critical module by Jeff Rients
The Blue Mountains (.doc), a D&D 3.5e adventure by Jay A. Hafner
The Maze of Cherno, a D&D 3.5e scenario by Peter Seckler
SkyFell (PDF), a D&D 3.5e adventure by Phill Winters
Systema Tartarobasis (PDF), a Castles & Crusades module by Gabor Lux
Xathyl’s Redoubt, the second D&D 3.5e adventure by Peter Seckler
Zero Sum Gain (PDF), a Shadowrun 4th Edition scenario by Bobby Derie
Congratulations to everyone who took the challenge! You rock, and thank you for giving GMs all over the world seven new adventures to use in their own games.
Even though WoAdWriMo is technically over, if you’re still writing your adventure or would like to write one sometime soon, you should keep right on trucking. The adventure archive will be open all year — right through WoAdWriMo 2008 and beyond, in fact — and I’ll be happy to host or link to your adventure anytime.
A nifty idea for a post might be to showcase an adventure once a month. If people write an adventure, then once a month you post the submissions that you get. It might be nice to have a standardized format for the adventures.
Kind of like a version of the 365 tomorrows website. I’ll even start up on the first one once I get back from Origins.
I hope you’re planning on doing this again. It’s a nifty idea. 🙂
Congratulations on getting so many good projects through to completion.
John: I’m curious to see if there are any more adventures in the pipeline. The challenge was running for several months prior to June, and no one submitted anything — I suspect the post-challenge atmosphere will be similar.
That said, I really hope there are at least a couple of folks finishing up scenarios who will send them on in — the deadline, at least as I saw it, was more of a motivator than anything else. The end result — proving to yourself that you can right a cool adventure for public consumption, and more adventures for GMs to use — is the same whether you finished by 6/30 or not.
Heather: I’m the backstage cog in Jeff Rient’s WoAdWriMo machine, so doing WARM 2008 isn’t my decision. Jeff’s stated that he’ll be doing it next year, though, so all is well on that front. 🙂