I’ve always found that personal recommendations are the best way to learn about new (to me) sites, and that goes for gaming and GMing links, too. And I think it’s a very safe bet that the TT community can learn about some great links from fellow readers.
So how about it — what GMing and RPG-related sites are in your regular rotation?
Anything is fair game: Ongoing sites, one-offs that only offered one awesome resource, forums, blogs, game- and campaign-specific sites — the works.
I also subscribe to the http://www.roleplayingtips.com weekly email.
Of course, this is because I don’t actually have time or people to play.
On my preset dial (aka bookmarked and often visited):
http://www.enworld.org (forums & reviews)
http://www.gamingreport.com (current news)
http://www.true20.com (especially the forums)
http://www.rpgdfw.com (community rpg site)
http://www.rpg.net (reviews)
http://www.roleplayingtips.com (subscriber)
http://www.rpgnow.com (fav retail spot)
And I take a look at most things you point out – other blogs especially.
Excellent! With a couple of exceptions, I regularly or irregularly read nearly all of the sites that have been mentioned so far. Great minds think alike, right? 😉
The Durham 3 podcast was a surprise, and it looks interesting.
Have you found any surprises or new gems in this list?
The Wizards.COMmunity D&D Character Optimization Boards.
Reading this forum once or twice a day taught me the rules (and let me memorize sources!) much more quickly than all the time I’ve spent DMing put together.
CrystalKeep’s D&D section is also a great tool for those with few books or who need refences on the go.
Surprisingly few.
Everyone, I agree with MountZionRyan above– if you haven’t tried Order of the Stick, you’re missing out.
Thirded. I’ve found very few better comics — web or no.
I cannot wait for the new OoTS book — and the game! — at GenCon. 😀
fourth vote for OOTS. motion passes.
i’m generally too busy writing or coding to check anything other than OOTS and TT. and i should really be writing more.