Alysia and I are getting married on September 23rd (we couldn’t be happier!), and I’ll be incognito starting tomorrow, the 20th. We’re heading off to Maui for our honeymoon on the 24th (woohoo!), and we won’t be back in Utah until October 1st.
There will be a new post here every day, just like always. (I’ve cued them up to appear once a day until I’m back.)
I won’t be able to respond to comments or answer email at all while I’m gone — after our whirlwind of wedding prep, I’m shooting for total relaxation in Hawai’i.
Keep on rocking without me, and I’ll see you on the 2nd!
Congrats! and enjoy martin!
Thanks! 😀 This is why I’ve been dreadfully behind on responding to comments for the past few days… 😉
congrats! may you and your wife-to-be roll 20’s.
Congrats! Insert joke about failed will save here!
Woo-hoo! Have fun in Hawaii! Post a pic or two of the wedding when you’re back!
I hope your ceremony is perfect– and Maui… do I hear a rainforest expedition in your PCs lives coming up?
Congratulations! I wish that you and your bride have a wonderful honeymoon!
Congrats and have fun! Try not to think about TT at all while your gone.
Enjoy and make lots of great memories!
We’ll be sure to water the dog and walk the plants while you’re out!
Thank you for the well-wishes, everyone! 😀
I just finished writing the last post that will appear while I’m gone (whew). I hope you enjoy what I’ve got cued up for you, and I’ll see you in October!
We won’t cry… too much. You just have fun and bring back a post about how wonderful maui is.
Congratulations to you both. May you have long years of happiness and nothing but good things.
Congratulations to you both. Have a wonderful Wedding day, and fully enjoy every minute of your honeymoon.
Thank you for the congratulations! I love this community. 🙂