Things to do with your Sunday now that Game of Thrones Season 4 is over:
1) Find a friend who hasn’t seen it yet so you have a reason to re-watch the previous seasons.
2) Try to read the books. (Or if you have read the books read them again.)
3) Plan your Halloween costume. (This year I’m going as Melisandre)
4) Try watching some other show on HBO. (It’s not the same. *whines* )
5) Playing through Skyrim or Dragon Age and pretend it’s Westeros.
6) Build Westeros in Minecraft (There are some awesome folks doing that here.)
7) Go into hibernation until Season 5 comes out.
8) Enjoy some of the games you may have bought during the Steam Sale.
9) Plan your own RPG world based on Game of Thrones. I hear there is an RPG book written before the TV show came out.
10) Let everyone know that even though it’s 80-120⁰F out that “Winter is Coming.”