Dungeon Mastering has been nominated for a 2008 ENnie Award for Best Fan Product, and I want to urge you to vote for Yax and his site.
Back when I ran Treasure Tables, I supported Yax when he was just starting Dungeon Mastering. Since then, Yax’s site has grown into a fun, exuberant and useful resource for D&D game masters, and in my opinion one of the best RPG sites on the web.
He’s also been a big supporter of Gnome Stew, giving us some great buzz before our launch and all sorts of link love ever since. That’s a two-way street, as DMing.com is a regular in the top section of our weekly Gnome Rodeos, and rightly so: Yax publishes some great articles for GMs.
But I don’t want you to vote for Yax and Dungeon Mastering just because we’re RPG blog buddies, although that’s part of it. I know how hard it is to take a one-man site from zero to ENnie nomination material, and Yax has done a killer job. I think he deserves the gold ENnie for Best Fan Product, and I hope you’ll help him win it.
My hat’s off to his competitors, and I wish them the best of luck — but I’m pulling for Yax all the way. Thanks for reading — now get out there and vote! The ENnies are the only RPG award I pay much attention to, because they combine peer review and fan voting in a very cool way, so I hope you’ll vote in every category where you’ve got a favorite.

After a week-long delay, voting is open and working fine — I just voted with no hiccups.
In the space between Treasure Tables and Gnome Stew, I found that DungeonMastering.com is a great place to read good opinions and enjoy a great community.
(No, Expy isn’t making me say this. Honest. Though… does it feel warm in here?)
Congratulations Yax! You’ve got my vote!
Done and done! 🙂
Thanks Martin for the kind words and thanks to everyone for taking the time to vote. I appreciate it.
Voted, good luck Yax