Last Friday, I asked you all to pick the product that you would like me to pick up at GenCon to review, and you answered. The results were tallied and the winner was…
There were a lot of requests for Kenzer & Company’s latest version of HackMaster. The game boasts a new combat system, and hints at a departure from the the tongue-and-cheek rules that defined the initial HackMaster release, without compromising the fun that has made HackMaster so enjoyable. The 192 page book, with an original Erol Otus cover, covers the first 5 levels in the game.
I have been quite curious about this game myself, and am looking forward to getting my hands on it. In the meantime if you need to get a little HackMaster fix, then I recommend heading over to the product page and look at the Quick Start rules, the Combat Example, and other teaser material.
Runner Up
Following just a few votes behind HackMaster was Realms of Cthulhu by Reality Blurs. Realms of Cthulhu brings Cthulhu to the Savage Worlds setting. Well, you are in luck, fellow Gnome John Arcadian, was so inspired by Telas’ awesome Savage Worlds article, that he is going to get his copy of Savage Worlds and has offered to pick up a copy of Realms of Cthulhu and review it.
The Rest of the Pack
We did receive some other great suggestions including:
- Dominion Rules 3.1
- John Wick’s Yellow Sign
- Pathfinder RPG
- Hero System 6th Edition
- 2nd ed. of Victoriana
- Gaming Paper
Knowing your interest in these, we are going to keep this list on hand, for future product reviews.
As for Gaming Paper, this product has caught my eye, and I will for sure, be stopping by their booth to check out this product.
Thanks again for your input, and we are looking forward to bringing back some goodies from GenCon to review for you.
And one late vote for Rogue Trader. Or Rouge Trader, for those cosmetically inclined.
Yeah, I mentioned gaming paper because it’s fairly cheap without the shipping, and figured you might have been planning to pick it up anyways. If you do get a chance to write something up about it, that would be major appreciated!