TT’s GMing Q&A Forum went live on the 28th, and it’s already a buzzing hive of activity. We’ve signed up 39 members in less than 48 hours, and there are lots of good questions — and answers! — being posted. If you haven’t joined the forum yet, I encourage you to do so.

This is TT’s first forum roundup, highlighting great threads in the forum as a way to spur cross-pollination between the forum and the blog. This week’s topics are teaching roleplaying to beginners, urban “dungeon dressing” and organizational tips.

At the time of this writing, these threads are still “live” — if something catches your fancy, head on over to the forum to participate in the discussion.

• brettcar asked How do you teach roleplaying to beginners? (great question!), and got some excellent responses.

GlennZilla outlined a very solid step-by-step process for breaking down the rules and easing your group into the game. The Evil DM also brought up a good point: try to leave as much negativity out of the game as you can.

• DMN asked for tips on bringing fantasy cities to life, and has gotten pointers ranging from introducing recurring NPCs (sjarvis) to keeping detailed notes on each district (GlennZilla).

• I kicked off a thread asking for your top 3 organizational tips for GMs. Two of my favorite tips so far are keeping a separate folder for each story arc (Crazy Jerome) and organizing your notes right after each session (Streamweaver).

There are plenty of other threads worth checking out — this is just a taste, intended to pique your interest.

Like the GMing Q&A Forum itself, this forum roundup post is a bit of an experiment. Do you like seeing notable forum threads highlighted here on the blog? Is there something you’d change about the structure of forum roundup posts? Suggestions are welcome!

There’s also an RSS feed for the forum, which works in my feed reader (Google Reader) but may turn out not to work in yours. If you have problems subscribing to this feed, let me know!