Tabletop Adventures just released Destinations: Spaceport Trident Vespa.
This spaceport is a smuggler’s haven afflicted with a peculiar curse (relating to anything that comes in threes). I had a lot of fun writing this one, and if you’re in the market for a system-neutral spaceport to use in your sci-fi game, this might do the trick.
Is a map included? Can’t tell by the description.
There’s an illustration at the back that shows a good chunk of the station, but no actual map.
I can’t speak for TTA, but there aren’t enough specifics in the text — as in, “The guard barracks is next to the hoverbike garage” — to warrant a map. Placing specific elements is left up to individual GMs.
There’s plenty of info and hooks to help you decide where the things you care about should go, though.
We’ve updated the demos (on both RPGNow and EN Game Store) to include a view of the illustration.