For today’s roundup, four markedly different GMing links:

RPG Blog II: After closing the original RPG Blog due to time constraints, Zachary Houghton is back with a new incarnation of his site. This time around, he’s focusing not only on general RPG-related stuff but on being a judge for the ENnie Awards. Although not strictly a GMing site, the first RPG Blog periodically delved into GMing stuff — I’m betting version II will do the same. Welcome back, Zack!

Obsidian Portal’s map tools: The excellent campaign management site Obsidian Portal now allows you to add zoomable, scrollable maps to your campaign’s subsite. Coming on the heels of a similar offering from Kayuda Maps, I’m glad to see that the use of Google Maps as a campaign tool is spreading — it’s a great concept.

The Groovecast: This new podcast is “the first and only Podcast that discusses specifically tabletop gaming online through play by post, play by chat, and play by email,” and according to an email from Mark Reed, one of the show’s hosts, about 50% of their content is GMing-related. I haven’t had a chance to listen to one of their shows yet, but I dig their focus.

Treasure Tables meetup photos: I’ve started using Flickr for my photos, and the four that were taken at the first-ever TT meetup are now online. (You can also check out all of my GenCon 2007 photos, if you’re interested.)