It’s possible that by now you may have heard that we Gnomes wrote a book: Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters. You may also know that we Gnome love a good convention, and that we are big fans of GenCon. And if you have been a reader for any time, you know that Gnomes love shameless self-promotion.  Put that all together and you get our 2010 GenCon Seminar: Eureka! Cooking Up Adventure Plots with Gnome Stew
Yes once again we Gnomes will be presenting at GenCon, and I would like to now beg interest you into attending our seminar, and giving us a chance to met you guys in person, and let us indulge ourselves in some shameless-self promotion.
The Details
For those attending GenCon, this is where you want to be:
- Game ID: SEM1009173
- Start Date & Time: 08/07/2010 10:00:00 AM
- Duration: 2 hours
- Location: Marriott — Santa Fe  (subject to last minute changes, so check when you get to Indy)
- Gnomes Present: John Arcadian, Patrick Benson, Walt Ciechanowski, Scott Martin, Kurt ‘Telas’ Schneider, Phil (DNAphil) Vecchione
It’s About Eureka…
Obviously we want to spend some time in the seminar talking about Eureka, because we are pretty proud of it, and we think that you guys will love it too. We will talk about the concept for the book, what the book contains, and most importantly, why having this book will make your life as a GM so much easier.
We also wanted to share our experiences about self-publishing Eureka with you. We know that we are not the only one’s out there, who have thought of making our own book, and we learned a lot going through the process. We would love to share some of that insight with you, as well as talk about some of our personal experiences in, what was for a number of us, our first professional writing project.
…And More
While we are pretty vain, though not as much as stupid halflings, we do not want to spend the whole two hours having you listen to us go on and on about Eureka. So the second half of this talk, will be an open Q&A with the Gnomes, where you can ask your GMing questions, ask about the behind the scenes at Gnome Stew, what is under John’s kilt, or anything else you can think of.
Did I Mention There Would Be Freebies
We have designed a small giveaway that we will be handing out at the seminar. It will be a one page mini-campaign based off of the plots in Eureka. The page will contain a brief setting, and a full plot for the first adventure in the campaign. It will also contain a list of additional plots, found in Eureka, which will complete the campaign.
So come join us at GenCon, on Saturday at 10am. We would love to get a chance to meet you, since its your support that that has made both Gnome Stew and Eureka possible. We look forward to seeing you at Indy!
PS– for those of you who will not be in attendance at GenCon this year, we Gnomes are working on some ways to bring parts of GenCon to you. Watch for upcoming articles in the next few weeks, as we get closer to August.
Are any of you planning on being there?
I don’t mind the idea of chatting with Phil and the other gnomes for a while, but I know that there are several commenters I’d enjoy meeting.
I’d enjoy meeting y’all as well.
I’ll apologize in advance for not connecting your site name with your comments/views; I’m horrible with names. Something like “I’m WhiskerBiscuit, the guy who said you should drown in a lake of acid” would go a long way towards helping me remember who y’all are…
@Scott Martin – I plan on being there. What can I say? The event I was originally going to attend got cancelled and it left me with some time to kill. I might as well see you and the other gnomes stewing away in the public spotlight. 😀