We’re purging user accounts with no comments on November 6 — the full details, and a contest, are here: Accounts with Zero Comments will be Purged on November 6, 2012 (Plus, a Contest!).
The short version is that because the only thing here that requires an account is commenting on articles (everything on the site is free; nothing is locked away or user-only), accounts with zero comments tend to be spam accounts. But not all of them! Which is why we announced the purge, spread the word, and are posting this reminder.
If you have an account but have never commented, please leave a comment on the article of your choice — and if you want a shot at a $25 DriveThruRPG gift certificate, leave it on the contest/purge article. Thanks!
I wish to be kept as an account – I read your articles every day, but do not post. thanks
I do read the articles every day – they inject a dose of fun into an otherwise dull workday. I just don’t have a lot of chances to comment, but please keep me 🙂
Will you be posting pre-purge and post-purge numbers? Always curious about vacant & spam accounts…
Yep, I’ll share that stat when I announce the contest winner.
Fellow lurker here. Read most of the articles, just not much free time to follow up with comments.
Making a post to avoid being deleted!
Would like to keep receiving the stew please.
I think I’ve made a couple of comments, but want to be sure I’m still part of this great site.
Don’t purge me! 🙂 I love the articles!