Random GMing idea #276: Ask each of your players to bring a game-related prop to the next session.
The prop could be anything that enhances the game for the whole group — a plastic sword, a hand-drawn map of the team’s HQ, a bag of plastic Pieces of Eight, a mix CD of background music, etc.
You’d have to mention upfront that it doesn’t need to be a complex prop, and I’d recommend awarding bonus XP or offering some other in-game incentive. Plus, of course, bringing a prop or two yourself! But if it worked, wouldn’t this be neat?
Hmm, while I’m not sold on the value of most props, this does relieve the GM of the obligation to provide all the props, which is a huge relief. Especially if you’re thinking of playing with lots of props. It might be worth a shot…
At worst, it sounds like you’d get no props from the players. 😉
A player in my group who was playing an escaped convict wore an eyepatch and a hook hand to each session, as his character lacked both a hand and an eye. Worked really well to keep him in character, although he did tend to brandish the hook around a bit much. 😉
I like the sound of that, Impulse. I hadn’t thought of player-provided props as a way to encourage staying in character, but that makes sense.