Plot Storming is a new community geared towards helping writers and GMs brainstorm, develop and workshop plots. From their intro:
Suffering from a creative block? Enjoy plot development or world building? Have a skeleton, but need the meat? Love swapping ideas with other writers? Then Plot Storming is for you! Bring your ideas, characters, plots, and worlds, and we’ll “storm” it. We enjoy helping develop and refine ideas so writers and gamers can create a better story and world.
It’s a very young site, but it looks promising. I particularly like their Synergy program, which allows members to have their own sub-forums set up for group creative projects.
(Via TT forum member KeshFerrar‘s signature. As an aside, if you run a site that’s helpful to GMs, don’t hesitate to tell me about it — I try to ferret out links like this one, but I’m bound to miss at least a few!)
Definitely sounds interesting. A long time ago I tried to make a livejournal community called Kindling Sparks, where people could post what I call “sparks,” little elements that would make great background material for a setting but don’t really stand on their own. Explanations of how a hyper-drive works, or a cool weapon idea, things like that.
It failed miserably, in no small part because I suck at promoting things and didn’t even do much to it myself.
I’m really interested in this sort of thing. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
Thanks for the coverage and the kind words Ryan!
Plot Storming may be young, but we’re active and dedicated to helping and inspiring creativity. We believe in providing quality free content; and to that end we’ve set up the Forums, TWiki, and offer Synergy, but we’re always looking to expand.
If anyone has any ideas on how to improve and grow — I’d love to hear them!
(Nathan) Thanks for the coverage and the kind words Ryan!
Who is this Ryan fellow? 😉
Throw egg on my face! I’m soooo very sorry Martin!
I don’t even know how I did that…
That’s sooo bad I owe you an appetizer, beer, or drink depending on your poison of choice. If we’re ever at the same Con feel free to collect. Thus far just Dragon Con and Con on the Cob, if you want to reclaim your prize. 😉
(Nathan) That’s sooo bad I owe you an appetizer, beer, or drink depending on your poison of choice. If we’re ever at the same Con feel free to collect. Thus far just Dragon Con and Con on the Cob, if you want to reclaim your prize.
I’d love to grab a beer with you sometime, but your slipup was so not a big deal. I just thought you needed some ribbing about it. 😉
Sadly, I only go to GenCon. On the upside, if you make it to Indy there’s a good there’ll be a TT meetup of some sort this year.