This past weekend, Sam, the GM of the Trinity campaign I’m currently playing in, mentioned Google Calendar as a way to plan your upcoming games.
It’s free, and the nifty thing about it is that if your whole group puts their calendars online, you can cross-reference them when you’re picking gaming nights.
Lord knows I don’t want to start the whole “who has a better calendar program” but there is another program called 30boxes which is aimed at sharing your calendar with people. The nice thing about google calendar is that it can be integrated with your gmail and I think they are using some sharing features which enable you to share and invite people to meetings.
All in all the idea is definately one that is worthwhile but getting everyone to put their calendar online and update it can be as much of a hassle as getting a straight answer from your group about who has what night free in any given week.
Great minds think alike! As soon as Google Calendar was released, the first thing we did was start putting our schedules in for picking game sessions. It’s so much better than the old method where I emailed the dates to everyone a month in advance, and then a week before a session someone would say “oops, I have something on that day, can’t play!” Now we can see everyone’s busy days and work around them.