An unprecedented number of us are at Gen Con for the rest of the week, so things may be a bit quiet around here — but on Thursday and Friday we’ll be running two excellent guest articles that share a common theme: keeping up excitement between sessions.

We love meeting fans, gaming with new people, and connecting with readers, so if you see us at the con please stop us and say hi. If you’d like to take that a step further and make a point of seeing us, you’ll have two good opportunities:

  • SEM1232479, Never Unprepared: A Discussion About Session Prep (Friday 3:00-4:00pm) Prep is NOT a four letter word. Come learn how to prep your game on time and without stress. Join author Phil Vecchione from Gnome Stew as he discusses his latest book: Never Unprepared. Prep is NOT a four letter word. Come learn how to prep your game on time and without stress. Join author Phil Vecchione from the ENnie award winning Gnome Stew blog and Engine Publishing books Eureka and Masks as he discusses his latest book: Never Unprepared: The Complete GM’s Guide To Session Prep. Phil will discuss the creative process of prep, tools, creative cycles, and his own Prep-Lite methodology.
  • SEM1232821, Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing – What’s Cooking? (Saturday 12:00-2:00pm) Join a discussion of our blog, our books ‘Eureka: 501 Plots to Inspire Game Masters’ and ‘Masks: 1,000 NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game’, and keep up-to-date on our other projects. Join many of the eponymous Gnomes behind Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing as we discuss our ENnie Award-winning blog, our first two books ‘Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters’ and ‘Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game’, and other current and upcoming projects. LEARN our saucy secrets! HEAR our spicy stories! TASTE our questionable cuisine! (Well, maybe not that last part.) ACT NOW, and the Gnomes will foolhardily attempt to address your own GMing questions at the end of the seminar!

Our books will also be for sale at our fulfillment partner’s booth: Studio 2 Publishing, #419 in the Exhibit Hall: Eureka, Masks, and the brand-new Never Unprepared.

We hope to see you at the con!