From all of the gnomes to all of you, merry Christmas!
Here’s our gnomish mascot (well, one of them anyway — I know he has mascot buddies in other gnomish households) settling in a for a little light holiday reading.
We’re departing from one tradition this year: Instead of running reposts for the holidays, we’re running a series of excellent guest articles. The first, The Handmade, Super-Simple Wizard Tower Tile Set, went up yesterday.
Whatever holiday you celebrate, we wish you well. Thanks for reading!
Synnibarr? That must have been one naughty gnome.
No kidding, Holy_Skwervo. That game made my friends create a new rule for attending conventions: never buy a game on Sunday. One friend was so out of it by Sunday that he thought this was actually a good game.
Eventually, Synnibarr was included in a sell off of games at our FLGS. The store didn’t want it. My friend—not the one who originally bought it, but the one who ended up keeping it—said, “You might not be buying it from me, but it’s not leaving this store with me.” The store accepted that.
I love my copy. There’s nothing quite like it, and whether I ever play it or not I’ve already gotten a great deal of amusement value out of it.
I love the illustration of the bazooka-toting raccoon *checking his watch*.
“Look, pal – if we don’t hit that armored car soon they’re gonna empty the dumpster behind Pizza Hut before I get there.”
Particularly notable because the talking raccoons are described as peaceful creatures. 😉