On behalf of all of us behind the scenes at Gnome Stew — John Arcadian, Walt Ciechanowski, Bob Everson, Don Mappin, Scott Martin, Matthew J. Neagley, Martin Ralya, Kurt ‘Telas’ Schneider, Troy E. Taylor, and Phil Vecchione — I’d like to say thank you for reading the Stew, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

2013 marked the end of our fifth year writing the Stew and the start of our sixth: We launched the site on May 12, 2008. Since then a lot has changed, from site design to posting schedule to the composition of the Gnome Stew team, but this sentence I wrote back when we started the site remains as true today as it was more than five years ago:

We think about GMing in every waking moment (okay, GMing and hot, hot gnome sex meals), so we figured we’d put our obsession to good use.

We’re still at it because it’s fun, because folks still want to read our work, and because we want to continue helping GMs have more fun at the gaming table. You, our readers, rock — hard, often, and on toast. Thank you for being awesome!

Here’s to 2014!