The excellent All Games Considered RPG podcast was kind enough to have me on for their GMing episode.
Mark, Chris and I chatted about GMing, social contracts, game systems and questions from their forum, and generally had a good time. Apparently, you’re not supposed to say “fuck,” though.
So far I haven’t listened to podcasts, but I may have to check out this one. A pox upon you for dragging me into the 21st century web. π
Martin, you cusser! π
Still, happy to see you on AGC. One of my fave podcasts.
Scott, I’m right there with you: I started listening to the Yog Radio podcast recently, then added AGC — but up until March, I’d never listened to one before. Getting an iPod changed that, and again before the pod I wasn’t into MP3s at all. Funny how that works. π
Zachary: It was a lot of fun, and I hope they have me on again. Thank you for recommending AGC to me, and for suggesting that I ask to appear on the show. π
All Games Considered and The Signal are the two podcasts I never miss. I encourage you take them up on their offer to be on the show again.
Have you considered adding some podcasts to you list of Info & Links?
I don’t think it’s an actual offer yet, but I’ll definitely be taking them up on it if it turns into one. π
As for linking to RPG podcasts, which ones talk about GMing — or otherwise can be considered resources for GMs — on a fairly regular basis?