Before there was a Gnome Stew, there was Treasure Tables. Martin, resident Head Gnome of the stew, started Treasure Tables as a blog dedicated to articles on advice for GMs. He posted every weekday for over two years and racked up an impressive 779 posts!
He also started a forum at Treasure Tables where many of the gnomes met online and discussed our current games, sought help for problems that we encountered at the gaming table, and posted our ideas for adventures and campaigns to get feedback from the other forum members. All was right with the world.
Then Martin closed down the Treasure Tables blog. The Hutts had a bounty on his head (so I hear), and you know how that goes! The forces of chaos entered into our happy lives and mass panic took hold over the forum members. I’ll never forget the day that I saw one emoticon savagely attack another over a scrap of html code. Those little smiley faces have a real dark side to them.
But then Martin founded Gnome Stew using his secret recipe for Treasure Tables with a new multi-author twist (again, I hear that he choked the head Hutt to death with a chain while wearing a bronze bikini and was free to roam the web again). Order was coming back to our lives. Except, what would happen to the Treasure Tables forum?
Well, dear reader, do not fear! The Treasure Tables forum is now You Meet In A Tavern! A forum dedicted to GMs helping each other out and sharing their collective lessons learned. Martin honored me by agreeing to let me migrate the forum to the new site so that the community would remain vibrant and active. The Treasure Tables community lives on in the form of Gnome Stew for your blog cravings and You Meet In A Tavern for your forum fix.
So check out You Meet In A Tavern at either or and browse through our many posts and threads to pick up great GMing tips from great GMs. Plus registration is free to all, so why not create an account* today and start contributing your own unique perspective to the boards? Trust me, you’ll be glad that you did.
And beware of savage emoticons…
* Existing users of the Treasure Tables forums are already members of You Meet In A Tavern. Your username and password have not changed.
Civil discourse, good GMing advice and a friendly, relaxed atmosphere were always the highlight of the TT forums for me. I know Patrick feels the same, and I was very glad he stepped up and offered to take over the forums when I was ready to close them.
I was never much good at promoting the forums. Running a promoting a blog makes sense to me in a way that running and promoting forums never has. The forums are in much better hands now.
If you liked the TT forums, you’ll enjoy the YMIAT forums. If you’ve been looking for a place for freeform GMing and RPG discussion and Q&A, you’ll enjoy the YMIAT forums. Give them a whirl. 🙂
And Patrick, thank you again!
Martin – It was my pleasure! And thanks to all of you who must have read this post and joined the forum. I doubt that it was just a coincidence that all of the new members just happened to stumble across the site on the day of this post. That is the power of a good gnome stew – it brings people together.
That and it helps to decrease the surplus population of small humanoids with felt hats. 😉
So Martin, when you strangled the Hutt with a chain, while wearing that bronze bikini, were you playing Harn?
Telas (resident curmudgeon on
“I’ll be in my bunk” has now been replaced with “I’ll be strangling the Hutt with a chain while wearing a bronze bikini.” 😉