Last week, I did a soft launch of the Treasure Tables GMing Wiki — today is the official launch. The TT community has discussed the merits of a GMing wiki, and talked over what it should involve — and now, we’ve started one!
There are five sections at present: adventure seeds, GM software, GM types, index cards and RPG elevator pitches. It’s going to be rough around the edges for at least a little while, but I can’t wait to see how it shapes up. And that’s the key: How it shapes up is entirely up to you, TT readers!
This wiki has a lot of potential — hundreds of smart, motivated and articulate GMs read Treasure Tables every day, and pooling our GMing knowledge benefits the entire GMing community. All you need to do to contribute — add a new section, edit or clean up existing material, etc. — is make a free account on the wiki, log in, and go to town.
And I hope you’ll do just that!
Wow. That looks fun. I’ll definately go sign up for it. I should probably sign up for the forums as well, I’ve just been lazy and I never really post in forums a lot. I can definately think of some things to add to the use of index cards, maybe even upload some templates of generic use cards
Signed up for the wiki, but something weird is going on. I was allowed to add CC2 to the Mapping Software section of the software page, but I wasn’t allowed to add anything to the Types of GMs page. It asked me for a username, password, and domain. Might be my work firewall, so I’ll try again when I get home tonight.
Pythor: It might be the firewall, but make sure you don’t have any weird cookie settings, as that can also interfere.
John: Index card templates sound awesome — that’d be a neat resource to have available on the wiki.
Pythor: I don’t know of anything on my end that would cause that. Did checking your cookie settings do the trick?