Forgot to get a gift for a GM in your life, or just don’t know enough about the hobby to know what’s good and what’s crap? Alternately, are you looking for something that isn’t necessarily about gaming, so you don’t get them a gaming book EVERY gift giving holiday?
Well, look no further. Life Magazine has put together several coffee table books full of inspiration for any GM while technically not being gaming books so you don’t get pigeonholed as giving the same gift all the time and you can tell your friends what you got the GM in your life without being embarrassed at “another silly gaming book”. Life has a book on the 50 greatest unexplained mysteries, another on the most notorious crimes in American History, and yet another on the 100 world’s weirdest wonders.
It may be too late to order one online by the time you read this but if so don’t despair! Your local Target carries them, as does your local Barnes and Nobel, and while I’m not going to do an exhaustive search of every major retailer, I’m sure other stores do too.
So what is this article doing on a site dedicated to GMing? Leave the web page open on your friends’ and relatives’ PCs. Duh!
Hmm… that sounds trickier to arrange than just “happening to leave” dog eared catalogs around the house with the important things circled.
The weirdest wonders sounds particularly interesting– and useful for Mage inspiration.
Those books are great GMing inspiration. The crimes one looks great, especially as I love to run heist type games.