The fight against the kobolds is going well. The PCs need only to dispatch two more of the creatures, and they’ll be able to move on to the next room.

That’s when someone suggests: “Hey. Let’s capture one of these guys and interrogate him!”

Even the most experienced GM might groan inwardly at this turn of events. Brain freeze hits as the PCs ask their first question:

PC: What’s your name, kobold?

GM: Uh … uhmm …let me think … uh, Bob?

PC: Bob?

GM: Yeah, Bob. You wanna make something of it?

PC: No. It’s just that ‘Bob’ doesn’t sound very, I dunno, kobold-y.

In the spirit of sparing the PCs of having to face any more kobolds named “Bob,” here are some name charts of common monsters to keep in your GMing toolbox for when the need arises.

And if you have any resources or links to fantasy names, or naming conventions you rely on during the course of play, please share them in the comments below.


1. Balak Bonecrusher
2. Piltzo Potbelly
3. Krelb Spinecracker
4. Billsy Bullring
5. Molly Legsnapper
6. Toom Irongut


1. Alfana
2. Bavieca
3. Briglindore
4. Celer
5. Harpagos
6. Morenjo


1. Mugwon
2. Heep
3. Ligurp
4. Egal
5. Dewen
6. Krote


1. Adjo
2. Fisehan
3. Habren
4. Inerto
5. Mangu
6. Koto


1. Druug
2. Gretz
3. Misk
4. Slink
5. Kostkim
6. Trisk


1. Phalaris
2. Akarizian
3. Akhghar
4. Orangar
5. Kosh-Amod
6. Nourid


1. Plutch
2. Leenza
3. Klohp
4. Prels
5. Sprinklen
6. Karpho


1. Yezztin
2. Siazzin
3. Rhuzzun
4. Menzzin
5. Hezzofan
6. Ellozzara


1. Klift
2. Frelm
3. Brunt
4. Nod-losso
5. Grint
6. Schmondt


1. Morcan
2. Hentraun
3. Imenium
4. Kralek
5. Arcamohn
6. Wiflans


1. Scrimp Willow
2. Pohlda
3. Scratch
4. Jak Periwig
5. Ginger Swan
6. Daisy Dewdrop


1. Bevin
2. Fromodin
3. Ans-mere
4. Rubuz
5. Orthonk
6. Hugues


1. Donker
2. Yehmer
3. Boygron
4. Hrumpt
5. Gryst
6. Trom


1. Sternchen
2. Bello
3. Brummer
4. Edel
5. Kuschl
6. Landjunker