I’m pleased to present the first-ever Treasure Tables PDF, which is available as a free download from our brand new PDF Downloads section.
This PDF collects three popular TT posts full of player-related tips, and features the work of two of my friends, Don Mappin, who did the layout, and Darren Hardy, who created the TT logo.
I’ll be adding more material to the downloads page in the near future (this is just the tip of the iceberg), and I’d love to hear your feedback on this PDF in the comments.
Quickly skimming, it seems very similar to the three posts it came from. What changes did you make when you changed formats?
It’s essentially identical to the three posts that it collects. I corrected any errors I found, tweaked the text a little and removing web-y things like links, etc.
My plan is to release several themed collections of posts as free PDFs (just like this one), and then consider releasing new material (that isn’t on TT) in PDF format for a couple of bucks a pop. (I’m also working on a book.)
I think this PDF makes a good intro to TT’s content for folks who haven’t been reading the site from the beginning, and for longtime readers (like yourself) it puts popular, useful posts that share a topic in a different format.
Putting out freebies and asking for feedback also gives me a chance to iron out any kinks as I go. I’m new to PDFs, and even with Don’s excellent layout to work from I’m sure I got something wrong. 😉
Will GMs like it? I don’t know, but I hope so. 😉
Congratulations, Martin!
Thanks, Abulia — it looks good because of your layout work, which rocked. 🙂
Looks good, Martin. One thing I’ll add about getting feedback that I remember from a book on writing by Orson Scott Card. He was having similar problems with his test-readers for his fiction. He asked specific questions. Three that stuck in my mind were, “At what point were you the most excited/anxious/afraid/interested in the story?”, “At what point did you find your mind wandering?” and “What do you think is going to happen next?” Ask specific, but leading questions, that don’t simpy have yes or no for an answer.
Thanks for putting this together, Martin.
Good point, Trollsymth. I was trying to leave the feedback door completely open, but — ironically enough — this same advice is in this PDF, aimed at getting player feedback. 😉
Next time around, I’ll ask some specific questions. Thanks for the suggestion, and I’m glad you liked the PDF.